Thursday, December 29, 2011

Blogging Away from My Computer

I am trying something new.  Actually if you have read my past posts, you will see I have made previous attempts to write my posts away from my computer.  I think I first tried with my iPhone.  Now I have a little tablet so I am checking out the blogger app.  If you scroll down to my post from wednesday,  you will see a major problem.  I haven't figured out how to flip the photos, or at least ensure they are not being posted sideways.

Stay tuned.  I am determined to blog on the go.


MarieElizabeth said...

I did one test run from my Blogger app on the iPhone too. I had less success than I hoped with the photos, so I'll be curious to see if you figure out the details. I do plan on trying again the in winter months. Here's to blogging on the fly!

Vicki Boster said...

Well my friend-- if you figure out how to do this successfully- please let me know!! I'd love to be able to do this -- but I don't see it in my future!

Happy New Year- I hope yours is full and bright!

Sherry said...

You are young and willing to try new things, good for you. I don't expect to be adding that to the list of things I want to learn. Happy New Year Beth.